Grades 7-8 Mr. Price's Class
__ Backpack
__ Reusable Water Bottle
__ 1 Pencil Bag/Box
__ Pencils (Mechanical or wood are fine)
__ 1 Glue Stick
__ 1 Ruler (inches & cm)
__ 1 Pair of Scissors
__ 2 Erasers (rectangular)
__ 2 Red pens
__ 2 Black or blue pens
__ 2 Highlighters (at least one yellow)
__ 2 Sharpie markers
__ Dry Erase markers (fine tip, multiple colors)
__ 5 College Rules Notebooks (spiral, 8.5 x 11)
__ 2 Packages of College Ruled Loose-leaf paper (8.5 x 11)
__ 3 Pocket Folders
__ 1 Protractor
__ Calculator (scientific capabilities required)
__ 1 Binder (1 ½ inch)
__ 1 Bottle Hand Sanitizer (8-10 oz)
__ 1 Container of Disinfectant Wipes
__ 1 Pair of Earbuds or Headphones (kept at school)
__ NIV Bible*
__ Christian Worship Hymnal*
*These items are given to fifth graders and new students as part of the book fee. Returning students must purchase any needed replacements.
Grades 5-6 Mr. Redfield's Class
Grades 5-6
__ Backpack - must fit in locker
__ 1 Zippered pencil bag
__ at least 40 pencils
__ 1 Box of 24 colored pencils
__ 1 Box of 12 markers
___At least 10 dry-erase markers
__ 2 Erasers, rectangle
__ a Scissors
__ 1 package 200 loose leaf wide-ruled lined paper
__ 1 Ruler, inches & cm
__ Calculator (+, -, x, ÷)
__ 1” 3-ring binder
__ Reusable water bottle (no glas bottles, please)
__ Inexpensive earphones for computer audio
__ NIV Bible*
__ Christian Worship Hymnal*
*These items are given to fifth graders and new students as part of the book fee. Returning students must purchase any needed replacements.
Grades 3-4 Mrs. Tangen's Class
__ Backpack - must fit in locker
__ 8 Glue sticks
__ Highlighters (2 or more)
__ 4 Dry Erase Expo Markers
__ Crayons- no larger than 24 count
__ Colored pencils- no larger than 36 count
__ Washable markers- no larger than 20 count
__ 2 boxes of wooden pencils- no mechanical
__ 4 Erasers, rectangle- OR- Eraser Pencil Caps
__ Scissors
__ Ruler, inches & cm
__ 1½ “Binder, hard sides
__ 3 Spiral notebooks (3 rd grade only)
__ Math compass
__ 1 set of headphones- OR- earbuds
__1 plastic box container- OR- zipper bag to
hold all pencils, markers, and crayons
__ Oversized paint shirt
__ Reusable water bottle (No glass bottles, please)
Grades 1-2 Mrs. Satorius' Class
__ Backpack - must fit in locker
__ Water bottle (No glass bottles, please)
__ 20 Glue sticks (1st grade only)
__ 10 Glue sticks (2nd grade only)
__ 24 Pencils, NO mechanical, please
__ Crayons (NO larger than 24 count)
__ Colored Pencils (24)
__ Washable markers (8 or 10 count)
__ 4 Erasers, rectangle (white)
__ Scissors (Child size)
__ Paint/art shirt (oversized t-shirt)
__ 1 set of headphones
__ (1) One inch 3-ring binder
__ 3 pocket folders
__ 2 Plastic boxes to hold pencils, markers,
__4 thin Expo (dry-erase) markers
__ 1 ruler with inch and centimeter markings
__ Mintra Primary Composition Notebook (K-2
version) Full Sheet -4 pack assorted colors –
available on Amazon
___ 1 Black composition notebook
K4-K5 Ms. Stobb's and Ms. Botts' Classes
__ Backpack – must fit in locker
__ 6 pk. Ticonderoga soft pencils (no jumbo, please)
__ 6 Pencil Top Erasers
__ Washable Markers (10 count)
__ 12 pk. glue sticks
__ 1 box crayons 12 - 24 ct. (NO jumbo crayons)
__ 1 Box colored pencils (no more than 12 ct.)
__ Coloring book
__ 1 lunchbox
__ 1 water bottle (No glass bottles, please)
__ Headphones
__ Extra items to stay in locker: uniform (1),
underwear (2), socks (2 pairs)
***Please label above items with your child’s name or initials, thanks! ***